[Pkg-gridengine-devel] SGE on Debian Unstable

Laszlo Kajan lkajan at rostlab.org
Wed Jan 30 11:26:48 UTC 2013

Hello Michael, Dave, Tim, and other team members!

> I've created a git repository on Alioth now, the repo URL is
> git+ssh://git.debian.org/git/pkg-gridengine/pkg-gridengine.git
> Anybody in the Alioth group should be able to push to it.

I am not a git master - just trying to learn it now. Another disclaimer: our group would like to continue to use SGE, but I, especially, am
probably not capable of understanding its internals. My hope is that Dave would maintain his Debianization (for Debian), and therefore the
Debian package, in Alioth and in the release. I do not aspire to become an SGE developer.

1: I imported (git clone --bare; git push --mirror) Mark Hymers' repository [1] to the new repo.

2: I do not expect any updates to Mark's repo. The new repo does not reference the old one in any way (now).

3: I imported (git-import-orig) Dave's current latest upstream snapshot [2] into upstream, filtering out his debian/ dir.

 $ git-import-orig --verbose --filter sge-*/debian --pristine-tar --no-merge ../gridengine_8.1.3.orig.tar.gz

4: I configured Dave's 'gridengine.debian' git repo [3], as a remote. Hopefully Dave can maintain the
Debianization in Alioth, though, instead of at [3].

5: I loaded Dave's debian directory (with read-tree [4]) to debian-8.1.3, after removing the old debian dir.

6: I copied (not merged) upstream/8.1.3 to master git read-tree -m -u upstream/8.1.3

7: libjemalloc-dev was missing during the build trial (debuild). With that addition, source and binary builds were successful, though with
lintian errors. We should build with git-buildpackage, though.

@Dave: could you please work on the Debianization (the one you have for Debian) in the Alioth repository [5]? Thank you!

8: I will, with help from Tim, now look into the lintian errors and problems.

Best regards,

[1] git://git.debian.org/git/users/mhy/gridengine-debian.git
[2] http://arc.liv.ac.uk/downloads/SGE/snapshots/sge-20130106.tar.gz
[3] http://arc.liv.ac.uk/repos/git/gridengine.debian
[4] http://git-scm.com/book/ch6-7.html
[5] git+ssh://git.debian.org/git/pkg-gridengine/pkg-gridengine.git

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