[Pkg-gridengine-devel] Alioth membership and another update

Dave Love d.love at liverpool.ac.uk
Fri Dec 11 22:11:02 UTC 2015

Afif Elghraoui <afif at ghraoui.name> writes:

>> I suppose I can do it indirectly if I still have the means to access it.
> You're in the alioth group, so you should have commit access there.
> Although, if I continue to be ignored by the team admins, I may put the
> repository in collab-maint and mark that as the official one in d/control.

Yes, it seems I can at least pull from

> Basically, I was trying to put together a draft package targeting
> Experimental. For a second upload, I would do some polishing on it, make
> sure to address the open bug reports, and test that upgrades work
> properly and such.

Making sure updates work automatically is a major issue that I'm not
sure is tractable.  One thing is that if you have a db spool, you have
to back it up with, potentially, the previous db version and restore to
the new one iff the version has changed, which loses information as far
as I remember.  I don't remember whether that can be taken care of, but
I think there are other issues.

> I tried installing gridengine-master with the package and the pe's
> weren't getting set up. I'll have to make sure this is the case and do
> some debugging if necessary.

You have to run inst_sge or do the equivalent.

>> * Do not install the same manpages in both -client and -common
>>   I haven't followed where the duplication comes from, but I think
>>   qsched and qstatus should be in common.
> The duplication comes from using a wildcard in
> debian/gridengine-client.manpages, so those two manpages end up in both
> -client and -common.
> It actually causes a pretty serious problem-- it prevents installation
> of both packages on the same machine.

Ah; fixed, thanks.

>> * Move javadoc from gridengine-client into gridengine-common
>>   If anything, I think these should be in a -dev package, as in Fedora.
> Yes, a -doc package (which is what I think you meant) would be appropriate.

No, I meant dev, since they're only relevant for development.

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