[Pkg-gridengine-devel] Question re. gridengine

Kees de Blois kees at deblois.nl
Fri Dec 30 10:12:51 UTC 2016

Thanks, Afif, for your prompt response.

Installation went fine. I have two problems:

I am using my Python Raspberry 3 headless. Running 'sudo qmon' gives me:
Error cannot open display. Perhaps that is an X11 problem, which will sort
itself out when I run the tool with my Raspberry connected to a

The second one is when I do a 'qsub' I get the message: Unable to run job:
denied: host "raspberrypi-jessie" is not a submit host

In /etc/hosts I have:       localhost
::1             localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
ff02::1         ip6-allnodes
ff02::2         ip6-allrouters   raspberrypi-jessie

Thanks for your help. I will start using the list.


On Fri, Dec 30, 2016 at 12:35 PM, Afif Elghraoui <afif at debian.org> wrote:

> Hi, Kees,
> على الجمعـة 30 كانون الأول 2016 ‫01:25، كتب Kees de Blois:
> >
> > Could you tell me if we can expect SGE gridengine as part of the
> > official Jessie distribution in the near future?
> >
> New packages can't be added to a stable release, so it can't become part
> of jessie proper. jessie-backports is the best we could do.
> > I have been playing with what is on Jessie Backports but have not been
> > able to make it work.
> What is your problem specifically? I'm using the jessie-backports
> package in the cluster at my site and don't have any issues with it.
> regards
> Afif
> P.S. problems with backports are technically supposed to be reported at
> <debian-backports at lists.debian.org>, but I would be the one to answer
> anyway. In any case, it would be helpful to continue this discussion on
> pkg-gridengine-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org in case other people
> encounter the same problem as you (and there are also other people
> subscribed to that list who may be able to help). I've adjusted the
> reply-to accordingly, so simply reply to this message. I'm subscribed to
> that list and will get the reply.
> --
> Afif Elghraoui | عفيف الغراوي
> http://afif.ghraoui.name
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