[Pkg-gridengine-devel] Bug#815754: Bug#815754: [PATCH] gridengine: proposal to add ppc64el architecture

Afif Elghraoui afif at debian.org
Sun Feb 28 09:32:47 UTC 2016

Hi, Fred,

على الجمعـة 26 شباط 2016 ‫01:18، كتب Frederic Bonnard:
> sorry for that, indeed I patched the version in unstable.
> So I worked on the git tree above, and made a new debdiff.
> Some comments on the diff :
> - there was some work done on ppc64el as you said : 
>   https://arc.liv.ac.uk/trac/SGE/changeset/4712/sge
>   Though as said in the commit upstream, this was not tested.
>   So I changed a few little things (check patch header) that may be errors.
>   Maybe that patch could go upstream.
> - on the debian/control, I added the architecture ppc64el and there was also
>   a typo in debian/rules I guess.

Excellent. Yes, this could also be forwarded upstream. I'll bring it up
with him.

> I also see that gridengine in debian will be based soon on SoGE (yes, from the
> git tree obviously :) and https://bugs.debian.org/703256 ).
> Though, I'd like to know if SoGE is fully compatible with orginal Sun GE.

Based on upstream's notes [1], it should be, but I don't have firsthand
experience in making the jump.

Thanks and regards


Afif Elghraoui | عفيف الغراوي

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