Bug#243532: Error in the Swedish translation

Johannes Lundberg Johannes Lundberg <jojo@infidyne.com>, 243532@bugs.debian.org
Tue, 13 Apr 2004 18:03:44 +0200 (CEST)

Package: grub
Version: 0.93+cvs20031021-8

I just installed Debian GNU/Linux using the new Debian Installer, using
the language "sv_SE Svenska (Sverige)". One part of the screen "Installera
startladdaren (boot loader) GRUB p=E5 en h=E5rddisk" reads as follows:

"Notera att GRUB r=E4knar enheter annorlunda =E4n Linuxk=E4rnan, s=E5 den f=
enheten n=E4r vanligtvis "(hd0)"."
The word 'n=E4r' should read '=E4r'.