Bug#236356: , grubconf: crash while selecting BIG splashimage

Joseph Monti Joseph Monti <joe@joemonti.org>, 236356@bugs.debian.org
Mon, 16 Aug 2004 20:59:18 -0400

Package: grubconf
Version: 0.5-1
Severity: normal

> grubconf freeze when I select a big xpm.gz file (ie 1,7 Mo).
> No console logs at all.


I am the author of grubconf. Could you please send me additional 
information on the problem you are experiencing? I have a few 

Can you please tell me when exactly grubconf crashes? Is it when
you hit Ok after selecting a file from the browse button? 

Grubconf does not actually open the file, so I'm not sure how
the file size has any influence. 

Can you please try opening a small file with the same exact 
file name and location as the big xpm.gz file?

I think it's having trouble with the file name or filesystem
rather than the size of the contents of the file.

Thank you for reporting this. We are having trouble 
reproducing your report, so any help you can provide will
be, well, helpful.

 - Joe Monti

[ Joseph Monti ][ joe@joemonti.org ][ http://joemonti.org/ ]