Bug#260276: grubconf: parses "root=" in menu.lst incorrectly
Mika Wahlroos
"Mika Wahlroos" <mwahlroos@earthling.net>, 260276@bugs.debian.org
Wed, 21 Jul 2004 19:46:36 +0300
----- Original Message -----
From: mcgrof@ruslug.rutgers.edu (Luis R. Rodriguez)
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2004 20:22:13 -0400
To: Mika Wahlroos <mwahlroos@earthling.net>, 260276@bugs.debian.org,control@bugs.debian.org, Joseph Monti <monti@smartrobots.com>
Subject: Re: Bug#260276: grubconf: parses "root=" in menu.lst incorrectly
(Only parts relevant to this reply have been quoted.)
> this is a bug that should be reported to upstream. I've added
> Joseph Monti to the e-mail thread (he's the upstream author).
I thought that it wasn't Debian-specific but I couldn't get the original grubconf source to compile for some reason (and didn't have time to wonder about that right now - yes, I'm lazy) so I couldn't test that.
> Bellow is my attempt
> to fix it though. Try this deb and let me know if that fixed it:
> http://ruslug.rutgers.edu/~mcgrof/grubconf/grubconf-0.5.1-debian/grubconf_0.5.1-4_i386.deb
Yes, that fixes it. The second entry I mentioned still gets changed (hda12 -> hda1) but without better knowledge I suppose that may be because for some interesting reason grubconf doesn't seem to find my hda12 at all (at least it doesn't appear in the GUI). It might be something curious regarding my system so I decided not to report it until I have time to look into it further.
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