SVN repository for GRUB maintainance

Laszlo 'GCS' Boszormenyi
Thu, 22 Jul 2004 03:53:58 +0200


* Robert Millan <> [2004-07-22 03:12:11 +0200]:

> I'm starting to use the SVN repository that Laszlo setup in our alioth
> project.

> Some comments..
> Laszlo: Why did you import upstream sources? We don't play with upstream
> files directly (but use debian/patches instead).
 It is more convinent if someone would like to compile the package,
svn-buildpackage can do it, if the source is correctly checked out.
Ofcourse I would not like to 'pollute' upstream source, it's there for
reference only. If someone would like to be extra sure no changes can
ever get into the upstream source, then s/he can check out the package as
debian/ being the toplevel:
svn co svn+ssh://<username> grub-debian/
(The last part will be the directory created with the contents of

The biggest problem that I did not yet catch up with the recent Debian
package releases. Will track it today, around 18:00 CET, now I have to
catch some sleep before I write strange things like I did last time.
