Bug#254754: Grub added a "Other operating systems" entry, that does nothing.

Christian Perrier bubulle@debian.org
Thu, 17 Jun 2004 07:23:26 +0200

reassign 254754 grub
severity 254754 wishlist
retitle 254754 Please allow for a "title" entry in menu.lst

Quoting Margarita Manterola (debian@marga.com.ar):
> Package: installation-reports
> Severity: minor
> When installing Grub with the new debian-installer in a machine that
> already has some windows installed, grubs adds a "Other operating
> systems" option, and then the "Windows 98/..." option.
> The "Other operating systems" doesn't actually do anything, but it can
> be really confusing, since you can press on it, and nothing happens.

This is indeed a bug, or a missing feature, in GRUB. AFAIK, the only
way for having a kind of "category title" is by using a fake entry
which does nothing.

I think we can safely assign this to the grub package, as a wishlist
bug for "Please allow for a title entry in menu.lst".

GRUB maintainer(s), comments?

Of course, if grub-installer misuses menu.lst and such possibility
already exists, please reassign the bug to grub-installer.