Bug#345812: marked as done (postinst sometimes returns error exit status 128 if update-grub is postinst hook)

Debian Bug Tracking System owner at bugs.debian.org
Sat Jan 14 16:33:19 UTC 2006

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Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

Received: (at submit) by bugs.debian.org; 8 Dec 2005 12:53:26 +0000
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From: Marc Haber <mh+debian-bugs at zugschlus.de>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit at bugs.debian.org>
Subject: kernel-package: linux-image postinst fails on lilo system using sarge
Message-ID: <20051208125323.14919.17851.reportbug at lefler.int.l21.ma.zugschlus.de>
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Package: kernel-package
Version: 10.011
Severity: minor

Installing a linux-image built on sid with kernel-package 10.011 fails
on a sarge system using lilo. It looks like the postinst script
doesn't properly handle lilo's zero return code. I have added debug
output to the postinst:

if (-T "/etc/$loader.conf") {
  # Trust and use the existing lilo.conf.
  print "You already have a $Loader configuration in /etc/$loader.conf\n";
  warn "use lilo.conf\n";
  my $ret = &run_lilo();
  warn "ret $ret\n";
  exit $ret;
  warn "after exit\n";

and here is the output of that script

$ DEBUG=yes sudo /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image- configure
vmlinuz(/boot/vmlinuz- points to /boot/vmlinuz- (/boot/vmlinuz- -- doing nothing at /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image- line 580, <STDIN> line 2.
use lilo.conf
ret 0
$ echo $?
$ less

This, of course, makes aptitude barf.

What I find strange is, that an explicit "exit 0" right after the
"run_lilo" call makes the shell say "128", and an explicit "exit 0"
right before the "run_lilo" makes the shell say "0" as it should be.

This is very strange. Any ideas?

I inspected the changelog of current kernel_package and didn't find
any entries that indicate that this issue was fixed in more recent
versions of kernel-package.


Received: (at 345812-done) by bugs.debian.org; 14 Jan 2006 16:26:51 +0000
>From edlund at groenstue.dk Sat Jan 14 08:26:51 2006
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Date: Sat, 14 Jan 2006 17:28:56 +0100
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Subject: Fixed in 0.97-3
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If I read this correctly, it is casued by update-grub writing to stdout,
This was fixed in 0.97-3. I will close this bug for now, please reopen
it, if you disagree.

Best Regards
Kristian Edlund

GPG ID: 7DD7559F

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