Bug#344767: How to purge linux-image-2.6.14

Sam Morris sam at robots.org.uk
Thu Jan 26 04:00:46 UTC 2006

Cesare Leonardi wrote:
> Recently i've talked with someone else that cannot purge the 2.6.14 
> kernel, due to bug #344767. It's a known problem, already solved for 
> 2.6.15, but for people that still use 2.6.14 or have used it, the 
> problem of purging it completely still exist.
> For example on my machine, the various kernel images i've installed in 
> the past, are now uninstalled but marked as "c" and if i try to purge 
> them, the lock described in the bug report arise. Then i have to press 
> CTRL+C to exit.
 > [snip]
> As suggested in the bug report, i've tryed to look at the postrm scripts 
> in "/var/lib/dpkg/info/" but i cannot understand them adequately (i 
> don't know perl).

You need to edit "/var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-2.6.14-2-k7.postrm". 
Comment out line 268, which reads: "$ret = stop ();". Then purge the 

> Regards.
> Cesare.

PS - why do packages without any config files get into the config-files 
state in the first place? :)

Sam Morris

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