Bug#375927: RAID: groot is always set to (hd0,0)

Frans Pop elendil at planet.nl
Thu Jun 29 07:57:52 UTC 2006

reassign 375927 installation-reports
severity 375927 normal

On Thursday 29 June 2006 01:53, Michael Biebl wrote:
> md0 (sda1,sdb1) => swap
> md1 (sda2,sdb2) => /

> grub is installed correctly, but groot in /boot/grub/menu.lst is set to
> (hd0,0), so update-grub generates a /boot/grub/menu.lst, where root is
> not correctly set leading to an unbootable system.

groot is not the same as root. (hd0,0) seems perfectly OK to me for groot.

Please show us the lines as generated by the installer in grub's menu.lst 
for the default entry for the installed system and the lines as you think 
they should be (or better: with which the system does boot).

> (this is the reason, why I set the severity to grave).

This is a fairly unusual setup and the error should be easy to correct, 
especially given that grub menu lines can be corrected during the boot.
Therefore a RC severity is not correct.

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