Bug#417030: please support GRUB Invaders in 'update-grub'

Fabian Greffrath fabian.greffrath at web.de
Mon Apr 2 12:38:51 UTC 2007

Hello Otavio and Robert,

thank you for your fast response!

Am Montag, den 02.04.2007, 10:09 +0200 schrieb Robert Millan:
> Yes.  And adding support for a game in GRUB is no justification for getting a
> new GRUB into etch at this time.

It was not my intention to get these changes into etch. As I mentioned,
the game has just entered the NEW queue.

> When I have some time, I'll finish my work on update-grub2 and integrate it
> upstream.  The current update-grub in GRUB2 package is NOT update-grub2.
> Please don't submit patches against it either, it'll completely be replaced.

Since I do not know anything about the new GRUB2, I am curious how it
will work. ;)


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