American Dentist Directory
Barlow C Luther
yswbnzspmsjgrRoberto at
Wed Jul 18 12:42:25 UTC 2007
Here's the deal for this week but it's only available until July 20
Physicians in the USA
more than 700 thousand records - can be sorted by state or specialty
many different fields, lots of specialties .. $358
USA Hospital Contact List
over 23K administrators on file
full data on high profile execs .. $296
USA Nursing Home List
more than 31,000 senior admins, 11,000 nursing directors
in over 14,000 US nursing homes .. $193
USA Dentist and Dental Services Directory
Includes 597 thousand total records .. $192
Order the Physician data and get the other 3 absolutely FREE
For more details or to purchase send an email to : medcomm at or call 206-202-3021
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Muchas gracias
Headcomm S.A.
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