Bug#434596: grub-reboot gets stuck on its entry

Nadim Shaikli shaikli at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 25 17:39:40 UTC 2007

Here's a bit more info relating to this continuing problem.

After I get stuck with the entry that should have been only
'savedefault --once' (which is windows in this case), I manually
select Linux within the grub boot menu and go look inside of
/boot/grub/default to see what it notes.  Its contents are strange
in that it includes a control character (as reported by less and
vim).  The files looks like so,

//- Begin of /boot/grub/default while its stuck rebooting into non-default

# WARNING:....
# mo text
# mo text
//- End of /boot/grub/default

The strange part is that control character '^@' (I don't think it should
be there, no ?) and the fact that there are multiple (well 7) lines void
of any content and then 7 lines with only '#'.  When I run 'grub-set-default
NUM' I end up with the NUM as the first character and then 10 lines with '#'
and then the WARNING lines.

I also verified that after I reset everything and then run 'grub-reboot 0'
the default file's first line notes "1:0" and then the 10 lines of '#' and
then the WARNING, so that part looks OK.

I'm guessing post the first reboot when grub is supposed to revert back
to its "normal/default" settings (entry '1' in this case) it somehow
mangles the file and grub keeps the last known good boot as its "saved"

I tried shuffling the numbers around (Linux as entry 0, windows as entry
2 in the menu.lst) but the same underlying problem persists so its not
the relative location of those entries that is an issue.

Do please let me know if I'm doing something wrong and/or let me know if
you need more info/data.

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