Bug#423412: grub2: grub-install fails on PPC

Robert Millan rmh at aybabtu.com
Fri May 11 16:20:03 UTC 2007

On Fri, May 11, 2007 at 12:24:13PM -0300, Zoho Vignochi wrote:
> Package: grub2
> Version: 1.95-5
> Severity: important
> I installed grub2 and invoked grub-install "(hd,0)". The output is 
> ~$ sudo grub-install "(hd,0)"
> /boot/grub must be a mount point.
> I use lvm but boot is a separate ext3 partition (/dev/hda1). I would 
> very much liek to get grub2 working so if there is more information I 
> can provide I will be happy to do so

Please can you try the latest version and report?

The binary is only in incoming right now:


(but you can also compile from source if you like)

Robert Millan

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