Bug#425558: grub-of: grub-probe fails to recognize device

Robert Millan rmh at aybabtu.com
Tue May 29 14:07:29 UTC 2007

merge 423412 425558
severity 425558 critical
tags 425558 help
merge 425558 422729

On Tue, May 22, 2007 at 10:48:56AM -0300, Zoho Vignochi wrote:
> so currently I boot directly form the OF prompt. Running grub-probe -v 
> /boot/grub outputs:
> grub-probe: info: the size of hd0 is 0

This (the size of hd0 being 0) is AFAICT the root of the problem.  But we
cannot fix ourselves as we don't have the hardware.

Can you debug the problem?

Robert Millan

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