Bug#487565: grub-pc: Chainloading fails even without LVM

Kai Wasserbäch debian at carbon-project.org
Sun Aug 3 06:49:46 UTC 2008

Hello Robert, hello Felix
Robert Millan wrote:
> I see that Felix suspects this is a false positive when checking for cross-disk
> install.  If you run "sh -x grub-install" and send us the output, we could
> make sure about that.

You'll find the output of the following command in the attachment of this e-mail
(only stderr):
# sh -x grub-install --no-floppy --grub-setup=/bin/true "(hd0)"
The »--no-floppy --grub-setup=«-part is taken from Felix first e-mail, as I do
not want to install GrUB2 into my MBR until I'm not sure it works.

> HOWEVER, even if it's a false positive, the UUID boot path is supposed to work;
> So please check the 32-bit (actually 16-byte) code you mentioned above.  Is it
> the same as deed8901-3bdc-4912-a2c3-cff34ddeb147 ?

Sorry for messing up the size, I tried to recollect that from memory and wasn't
sure about the value anymore. ;)
The UUID you've given should be shown on the rescue console in that error
message, right? If that was the question, yes it is shown as the UUID value.

Felix Zielcke wrote:
> Please type on the rescue> prompt of grub set
> and then tell us the value of prefix and root

»rescue> set« yielded:

I hope, this helps in solving the problem.

Thank you for your replys,


Kai Wasserbäch (Kai Wasserbaech)

E-Mail: debian at carbon-project.org
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