Bug#493389: update-grub: uses wrong ordering algorithm (sorts 1.2.3-foo before
mteodor at gmail.com
Sun Aug 3 10:37:07 UTC 2008
On Sun, Aug 3, 2008 at 12:43 AM, Robert Millan <rmh at aybabtu.com> wrote:
> Please could you try previous versions of update-grub (using either our SVN
> or packages from http://snapshot.debian.net/) and determine when was this
> problem introduced?
The change seems to be introduced in v0.97-29 since up to v0.97-28 has
the same ordering.
I've written "change" not "bug" since I'm not sure it is a problem.
That is because `update-grub' is supposed to create a list with a
descending ordering. This means that there is a "char" comparison and
the one with a higher value should go first, for example -openvz-amd64
would go before -amd64 ('a' char vs 'o' char). The same way
-2.6.26-1-amd64 has precedence over -2.6.25-2-amd64 (25 vs 26).
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