Bug#478228: grub-probe can't handle (raid) md-devices

Thomas Rösch tomdebian at gmx.de
Sun Aug 3 19:30:22 UTC 2008

Hey Felix

> So please update grub-common (and better grub-pc also) to 1.96+20080724-2
It seems I wati to long ;-)
Testet with: grub-common/sid uptodate 1.96+20080724-5

> Recreate your devicemap with grub-mkdevicemap --no-floppy
cat /boot/grub/device.map
(hd0)   /dev/sda
(hd1)   /dev/sdb
(hd2)   /dev/sdc
(hd3)   /dev/sdd

> and please check your raid config with mdadm.
md6 : active raid10 sdb6[0] sdd6[3] sdc6[2] sda6[1]
       97658880 blocks super 1.0 128K chunks 2 near-copies [4/4] [UUUU]
md9 : active raid1 sdb9[3] sda9[2]
       979952 blocks super 1.0 [2/2] [UU]

> You should be using /dev/md6 devices and not /dev/md/6, because the latter aren't yet supported by grub-probe

# md9: devices=/dev/sdb9,/dev/sda9
ARRAY /dev/md9  level=raid1  metadata=1 num-devices=2 
UUID=0e847f4e:4e3038a4:8b47107d:39fa9af0 name=glatschig:9
# md6: devices=/dev/sdc6,/dev/sdd6,/dev/sda6,/dev/sdb6
ARRAY /dev/md6  level=raid10 metadata=1 num-devices=4 
UUID=2d350b40:6d1e8841:30e03481:899f89ee name=glatschig:6

I don't know where /dev/md/6 come from.

I don't try grub-install , because I have no time to repair my system, 
if It do not work. :-(

> and if it fails then again grub-probe -vv

With kind regards

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