Bug#494589: grub-pc: grub-install fails on GPT volume

Edward Allcutt emallcut at gleim.com
Mon Aug 11 14:09:25 UTC 2008

Felix Zielcke wrote:
> Am Sonntag, den 10.08.2008, 16:22 -0400 schrieb Edward Allcutt:
> So it looks like fs/ext2.c isn't that correct for the extN you have
> on /boot
> The best would be probable if you could reproduce with a small
> filesystem image and would send that to grub-devel at gnu.org, you need to
> be subscribed though.
> With recompiling from source you can specify ./configure
> --enable-grub-fstest, then you get grub-fstest which might help in
> finding out what's wrong.
I've just rebuilt 1.96+20080724-5 with --enable-grub-fstest

grub-setup fails in exactly the same way, however grub-fstest seems to 
have no problem at all with the new core.img:
root at emallcut-x:~# grub-fstest -vvv /dev/sda1 cmp /grub/core.img \
/boot/grub/core.img; echo $?

Am I using grub-fstest wrong or does this imply grub-setup is broken?

I'll try the latest upstream next I guess.

Edward Allcutt

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