Bug#494589: grub-setup fails with "error message = file not found"

Edward Allcutt emallcut at gleim.com
Wed Aug 13 19:12:22 UTC 2008

Robert Millan wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 01:04:14PM -0400, Edward Allcutt wrote:
>> Robert Millan wrote:
>>> I suggest you allow GRUB to embed core.img instead by adding a BIOS boot
>>> partitition using Parted.  We still need to trace down the problem with
>>> blocklists, but this will tell us whether the problem is related to this
>>> or something else.
>> I set the "boot" flag for /dev/sda1 using parted. I hope this is what 
>> you meant. grub-setup still fails with the same error and it still 
>> mentions "will leave the core image on the filesystem".
> The "boot" flag on GPT means "EFI system partition" (this is admittedly
> confusing).  There's a flag for bios boot, but only in recent versions of
> Parted.  But of course, I wouldn't do that to your existing sda1 unless
> you want it to be wiped with GRUB code.
I wish there were another tool supporting GPT. parted is a real pain to 
use. Still I've got a dedicated "BIOS boot" partition now and grub-setup 
  seems happy to embed core.img on it without any errors.

While my problem is resolved it seems like there's still an annoying bug 
in either the ext2 driver or whatever else is involved in generating 

Thanks for the quick responses :)

Edward Allcutt
Network Operations

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