Bug#462835: Debian bug #462835

Felix Zielcke fzielcke at z-51.de
Fri Aug 22 14:16:54 UTC 2008

Am Mittwoch, den 20.08.2008, 19:41 -0400 schrieb Bharath Ramesh:

> >> It flickers some message for an instant I am unable to read it and lands
> >> me into the grub command prompt.

Someone else did now a wishlist request to grub-devel [0]
This seems to be normal if grub.cfg can't be found/read.

> I am not sure if its the same issue that I had earlier, could it be that
> gfxterm is still broken. I remember that a when I moved to grub2 that issue
> of gfxterm not being able to be loaded when /usr was in lvm would cause
> this scenario.

You can just comment out the whole `if font ..' .. `fi' block around the
gfxterm stuff then the good old console terminal is used.

> I dont have physical access to my laptop at the moment. I will check
> this and let
> you know what the output of the above are when I run them in the 'grub>' prompt.

Ok I just wait now.

[0] http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/grub-devel/2008-08/index.html

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