Bug#490584: Boot-delay (probably while loading png - graphic)

Christian Meyer c2h5oh at web.de
Tue Aug 26 11:20:20 UTC 2008

Felix Zielcke <fzielcke at z-51.de> schrieb am 26.08.2008 10:49:33:

Hello Felix,

> You can get upstream SVN [1] and then our Debian SVN trunk [2] to
> compile a freshly new grub2 package.
> [1] svn co svn://svn.sv.gnu.org/grub/trunk/grub2
> [2] svn co svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-grub/grub2/trunk/debian

I never compiled (or packaged) anything before so I'm not familiar with it. 
With some problems "man" and "google" helped me, but unfortunately there still is an error I don't know to solve.
Can you please have a look and give me a hint where I went wrong and how to proceed (I think with "debian/rules binary" or dpkg-buildpackage)?

lenny:/home/christian# mkdir grub2
lenny:/home/christian# cd grub2
lenny:/home/christian/grub2# svn co svn://svn.sv.gnu.org/grub/trunk/grub2
... Ausgecheckt, Revision 1828.
lenny:/home/christian/grub2# svn co svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-grub/grub2/trunk/debian
... Ausgecheckt, Revision 1024.

lenny:/home/christian/grub2# cd grub2
lenny:/home/christian/grub2/grub2# ./configure
lenny:/home/christian/grub2/grub2# make
lenny:/home/christian/grub2/grub2# cd ..

lenny:/home/christian/grub2# debian/rules binary
test -x debian/rules
dh_clean -k 
dh_installdirs -A 
mkdir -p "."
/usr/bin/make -f debian/rules reverse-config
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/christian/grub2'
for i in ./grub2/config.guess ./grub2/config.sub  ; do \
		if test -e $i.cdbs-orig ; then \
			mv $i.cdbs-orig $i ; \
		fi ; \
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/christian/grub2'
if [ "debian/stamp-patched" = "reverse-patches" ]; then rm -f debian/stamp-patched; fi
patches: debian/patches/01_grub_legacy_0_based_partitions.diff debian/patches/03_disable_floppies.diff debian/patches/04_uuids_and_abstraction_dont_play_along_nicely.diff debian/patches/05_insmod_in_rescue_disks.diff debian/patches/06_olpc_prefix_hack.diff debian/patches/901_dpkg_version_comparison.diff
Trying patch debian/patches/01_grub_legacy_0_based_partitions.diff at level 1 ... 0 ... 2 ... failure.
make: *** [debian/stamp-patched] Fehler 1

I tried to use dpkg-buildpackage instead but the errormessage was the same (only followed by:
dpkg-buildpackage: Fehlschlag: debian/rules build gab Fehler-Exitstatus 2) 

Christian Meyer
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