Bug#497085: allow making no timeout

Felix Zielcke fzielcke at z-51.de
Fri Aug 29 20:45:59 UTC 2008

Am Samstag, den 30.08.2008, 03:20 +0800 schrieb jidanni at jidanni.org:

> The following patches enable the user to avoid creating any timeout
> line in grub.cfg, without her/him needing to edit more than
> /etc/default/grub.

Please use `diff -u' format, i.e. unified instead of context.
and please send patches upstream to grub-devel at gnu.org as I already told
But I doubt that this gets changed.
If people want to have a timeout of 0 then they just can set it
at /etc/default/grub
So why bother to change the default of 5?
People can change it if they want and I think 5 seconds are a good
choice as the default value.

and as the reject message clearly tells you above the part you quoted in
the other report you need to subscribe first.
If you don't get it how to do that from the mail then maybe look here:


Felix Zielcke

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