Bug#495909: extraneous error: "unsupported RAID level: 10"

martin f krafft madduck at debian.org
Sun Aug 31 18:19:14 UTC 2008

also sprach Felix Zielcke <fzielcke at z-51.de> [2008.08.31.1911 +0100]:
> I'm so kind and inform you, that the freshly new grub2
> 1.96+20080831-1 in experimental now has RAID 10 support. So either
> just grab the grub-common package from it if you just want to get
> rid of that grub-probe warnings or it would be nice if you even
> would try real grub with /boot on it :)

I have no such machine available for the next 4 weeks as I am in

Thanks for your work on this, nevertheless!

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck at debian.org>
: :'  :  proud Debian developer, author, administrator, and user
`. `'`   http://people.debian.org/~madduck - http://debiansystem.info
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
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