Bug#461851: ambigous highlighting if background picture is enabled

Robert Millan rmh at aybabtu.com
Tue Jan 22 13:02:32 UTC 2008

On Mon, Jan 21, 2008 at 09:25:34AM +0100, Fabian Greffrath wrote:
> Hi,
> again bugging you with a minor issue. ;)

The devil is in the details!

> I believe the highlighting of the menu items is ambigous when the newly 
> introduced background image is enabled.
> Consider you have only two menu items. Which one is 'highlighted', 
> magenta or black?
> Magenta is a dark color (at least on my CRT) and does not provide the 
> best possible contrast to black. Furthermore i believe that a colored 
> background indicates the selected menu item in a more obviuos way than 
> colored text.
> Please consider applying the attached patch, it has proven to look nice 
> on my screen.

I tested all (foreground, always black bg) colors previous to opting for
magenta/black.  This seems to be the one that looks best (at least in my
qemu).  I suppose I'll have to test this on a few real monitors and see
how this turns out.

> If you don't like it, please close this bug.

Your interest is much appreciated.  But please give me a while before I can
try this more extensively.

> -# Disabled due to bug in desktop-base 4.0.5 - pending to reenable


Robert Millan

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