Bug#486804: grub-pc: also occurs with /boot on different lv than /

Robert Millan rmh at aybabtu.com
Wed Jun 18 18:05:41 UTC 2008

On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 07:23:41PM +0200, Simon Rutishauser wrote:
> Package: grub-pc
> Version: 1.96+20080617-1
> Followup-For: Bug #486804
> I can confirm the existence of this bug for a setup with / on lvm and 
> /boot on a separate non-lv partition.

Thank you.  I sent a separate mail with a patch that supposedly fixes it.
Please test if you can (you can get it from the bug log).

Robert Millan

<GPLv2> I know my rights; I want my phone call!
<DRM> What good is a phone call… if you are unable to speak?
(as seen on /.)

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