Bug#442382: Grub multipath support

Guido Günther agx at sigxcpu.org
Sat Mar 1 12:51:39 UTC 2008

On Sat, Mar 01, 2008 at 11:39:05AM +0100, Robert Millan wrote:
> Unlike Parted 1.8, GRUB 2 is already in the archive, and already interacts
> with the installer.  OTOH, I think the sataraid hackery is completely in the
> wrong place (although I can understand why they did it); please don't use it
> as reference.
Please provide a better example/place to put things then. But as things
stand I'll simply provide extra Grub/grub-installer packages for the
moment. The "don't do this" without any reasonable explanation nor a way
to do things better is just to time consuming to deal with - especially
when the orignial report didn't have _any_ reaction for 5 months.
 -- Guido

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