Bug#561837: grub not updatable to grub2

Felix Zielcke fzielcke at z-51.de
Sun Dec 20 16:16:25 UTC 2009

Am Sonntag, den 20.12.2009, 17:01 +0100 schrieb Debian:
> Package: grub
> Version: 0.97-47lenny2
> Severity: normal
> *** Please type your report below this line ***
> My main OS is Debian stable starting with grub 0.97.
> The update to grub 1.96 fails in the past so i set the old grub
> onhold.
> On a second partition i tried to intall Debian testing, but it is not
> running
> sufficient, because the installation of KDE fails.
> Debian Testing installed grub2 on /dev/sda.
> Now i want to try installing Kubuntu on the second partition and so i
> want to boot
> grub 1.96 from the debian stable partition.
> But it is not possible to install grub2.
> After installung grub2 with aptitude it will not work.
> Uninstalling grub causes that there is no grub installed.

Uhm what exactly is your problem and to what GRUB version does it apply?
You reported this bug against GRUB Legacy, i.e. 0.97.
This grub binary doestn't exist anymore with GRUB 2.
You have to use grub-install now just as you first did in this report,
before trying the grub command.

To generate grub.cfg it's still update-grub. But it's configured
differently now.
Felix Zielcke
Proud Debian Maintainer and GNU GRUB developer

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