Bug#536783: grub2: FTBFS on kfreebsd-i386 (no 64-bit compiler)

Felix Zielcke fzielcke at z-51.de
Fri Jul 17 10:48:36 UTC 2009

tag 536783 pending

Am Donnerstag, den 16.07.2009, 14:53 +0200 schrieb Petr Salinger:
> Hi,
> > According to the buildd ports [0] page there's a depwait on Ruby for
> > kfreebsd-i386.
> > [0] http://buildd.debian-ports.org/status/package.php?p=grub2
> The GNU/kFreeBSD architectures have been accepted into the Debian archive,
> see http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2009/04/msg00001.html

Ah thanks for the hint. I already forgot this.
But I wonder about the situation with hurd. It's added afaik too in the
main archive but the builds were only updated on debian-ports for grub2
at least.

> The debian-ports.org page is no longer valid.
> For current (failing) build log please follow from page
> https://buildd.debian.org/~luk/status/package.php?p=grub2

Ah I should have looked there at the build log. Directly on that page it
just says compiler error.

> > The build dependency on gcc-multilib was added by mistake by me.
> > Actually it seems that it wasn't needed with efiemu
> I have to emphasise there is a significant difference between
> biarch capability of (linux-)i386 and kfreebsd-i386.
> The kfreebsd-i386 does not support "gcc -m64".
> On contrary, both (linux-)amd64 and kfreebsd-amd64
> supports "gcc -m32".

Ok. Luckly upstream autodetects now at ./configure the features which
can be enabled and enables them if that's the case.
So we just don't pass anymore --enable-efiemu to it and hopefully it's
still compiled in when it can be and on kfreebsd-i386 it hopefully
continues without it.
Felix Zielcke

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