Bug#535026: patch, please test

Luca Tettamanti kronos.it at gmail.com
Wed Jul 22 19:31:50 UTC 2009

On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 10:56 PM, Robert Millan<rmh at aybabtu.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 10:07:05PM +0200, Luca Tettamanti wrote:
>> Sorry for the confusion, linux16 is working fine, linux does not. A
>> patched kernel with linux16 reports:
>> [...]
>> I'm running 1.96+20090709-1 which already contains the patch to the
>> capability field. Grub reports:
>> screen_info dump:
>> orig_x = 0x0, orig_y =  0x0
>> ext_mem_k = 0x8000
>> orig_video_page = 0x0
>> orig_video_mode = 0x3
>> orig_video_cols = 0x0
>> orig_video_ega_bx = 0x0
>> orig_video_lines = 0x0
>> orig_video_isVGA = 0x23
>> orig_video_points = 0x10
>> lfb_width / lfb_height / lfb_depth = 1024x768x8
>> lfb_base = 0xe0000000, lfb_size = 0xc
>> cl_magic = 0xa33f, cl_offset = 0x1000
>> lfb_linelength = 0x400
>> red_size = 0x0, red_pos = 0x0
>> green_size = 0x0, green_pos = 0x0
>> blue_size = 0x0, blue_pos = 0x0
>> rsvd_size = 0x0, rsvd_pos = 0x0
>> vesapm = 0x0:0x0
>> pages = 0x0
>> vesa_attributes = 0x0
>> capabilities = 0x0
> Thanks Luca.  I suspect lfb_size, ${color}_size or maybe vesa_attributes to
> be the culprit.
> For lfb_size I already made a patch [1], please could you test and see if it
> solves the problem?
> But I got a hunch that "blank screen" has something to do those color
> variables.  For a quick hack see attachment.

The patch for the size of FB is not sufficient; applying the color
hack makes vesafb work:

vesafb: framebuffer at 0xe0000000, mapped to 0xffffc90010100000, using
1536k, total 16384k
vesafb: mode is 1024x768x8, linelength=1024, pages=0
vesafb: scrolling: redraw
vesafb: Pseudocolor: size=8:8:8:8, shift=0:0:0:0


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