Bug#495949: grub-common: grub-probe segfaults

Jean-Luc Coulon (f5ibh) jean-luc.coulon at wanadoo.fr
Sat Jul 25 08:06:10 UTC 2009

Le 25/07/2009 08:50:10, Felix Zielcke a écrit :
>That patch is now commited upstream so good that this is now fixed.

>[jean-luc at tangerine] % sudo grub-install /dev/md0
>You can't install to /dev/md0, either use grub-install '(md0)' or the
>old way with grub-install /dev/sda etc.
>That should work.

grub install "(md0)' leads to the same error message

grub-install /dev/sda then grun-install /dev/sdb leads to other 
problems: the device naming is not consistant from one boot to another.
Sometimes I've md0 with /dev/sda1 and /dev/sdb1 and sometimes with sdb1 
and adc1 while they are the same phisycal disks.
So /boot/grub/device.map doesnt reflects always the real 
(logcal) configuration of the system.
This can produce erroror.


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