Bug#555842: System Unable To Boot --- unaligned pointer 0x12404

Brian Paterni bpaterni at gmail.com
Thu Nov 12 18:26:08 UTC 2009

On Thu, 12 Nov 2009, Felix Zielcke wrote:
> Unfortunately the same happened to me today.
> Seems like I should even test the experimental uploads on my real
> hardware first before uploading.
> I *think* this didn't happen with previous experimental upload.
> 1.97-1 though works still fine for me.
> How did you reinstalled?
> If you don't get the grub-install output in the postinst, then you have
> to do either sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc and select the device you
> boot from or run grub-install /dev/sda yourself.
> -- 
> Felix Zielcke
> Proud Debian Maintainer and GNU GRUB developer

Okay, yeah, at first I just chrooted into my HD and issued grub-install 
/dev/sda, thinking it would somehow use grub from the liveCD. But as it 
turns out I had to manually downgrade to 1.97-1 inside the chroot in order 
for my system to boot properly. Who'da thunk it?

Thank you for your expertise and hopefully this bug is fixed with next 

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