Bug#544155: [grub-pc] grub update renders system unbootable (unaligned pointer 0x700ba)

Witold Baryluk baryluk at smp.if.uj.edu.pl
Tue Sep 1 14:26:14 UTC 2009

Dnia 2009-08-31, pon o godzinie 12:44 +0200, Felix Zielcke pisze:
> Am Sonntag, den 30.08.2009, 23:40 +0200 schrieb Witold Baryluk:

I used grub from svn + debian patches from svn + 1bit_blitters.diff

> Just run the commands in command line.

> loadfont /grub/unicode.pf2
unaliged pointer error

restarted, i skipped loading font, and tried next commends

> set gfxmode=640x480
> insmod gfxterm
> insmod vbe
> terminal_output gfxterm
error: no siutable mode

Also tab completion gives "unaligned pointer error". 

I have also sometimes (quite non deterministic), errors after executing

insmod ext2 works.

insmod ext3 gives "unaligned pointer", I know that there is no such
module, but instead of error like "no such module, i have "unaligned

Will start now bisection process.

Witold Baryluk
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