Bug#544155: please test this GRUB snapshot

Witold Baryluk baryluk at smp.if.uj.edu.pl
Wed Sep 2 21:05:09 UTC 2009

Dnia 2009-09-02, śro o godzinie 20:01 +0200, Robert Millan pisze:
> Hi,
> I uploaded this GRUB snapshot, it's from right after a video framework
> restructure commit that I suspect might be the culprit:
>   http://people.debian.org/~rmh/grub-after-fb-split/
> Please report if it works.  Thanks!

Works for me.

It boots my system in default configuration without problem.
No unaligned pointer anywhere, or point out of range errors.
Tab completion works correctly.

Still grub uses text mode only. I tried this sequence of commands to
switch mode by hand:

grub:sh> loadfont /grub/unicode.pf2  # no error
grub:sh> insmod vbe # no error
grub:sh> insmod gfxterm # no error
grub:sh> terminal_output gfxterm
# terminal goes blank, and after a moment, screen is clear with
# an error message and prompt at top
error: No siutable mode found!

I will try 1.96+20090317-1 now, because this is probably the version
which had gfxterm working correctly.

Witold Baryluk
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