Bug#542423: grub-pc: Known upstream bug?

Felix Zielcke fzielcke at z-51.de
Sun Sep 6 16:26:37 UTC 2009

Am Sonntag, den 06.09.2009, 17:54 +0200 schrieb Kai Wasserbäch:
> Hello,
> being bitten by the same bug and suspecting it might be the reason for the
> recent extreme slowdown of loading GRUB, I searched upstreams homepage a bit and
> stumbled over <http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?27094>. This sounds like the
> functionality isn't there (entirely)? If so, you might want to either include
> the proposed patch or mark this bug as forwarded.
> Apart from that, I found, that using e.g.
> > GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="vga=0x318"
> still works, though you get the deprecation warning.
> Kind regards,
> Kai Wasserbäch
> P.S.: I'm using testing and the same version as Marc.

Oh I didn't notice this report.
Anyway that patch has nothing to do with the problem.
It's just about implementing a variable for /etc/default/grub so
grub-mkconfig puts it automatically into the generated grub.cfg
Which Marc did by hand.
Well if this gets implemented properly, it can solve it but the patch
from the submitter doestn't do this.

The problem is that Marc isn't using gfxterm.
For gfxpayload and also for vga= with the new linux loader, you must
have at least `isnmod vbe' in your grub.cfg.
This shouldn't be different by using vga= or set gfxpayload.
In fact using vga= sets gfxpayload variable.
Just use `echo $gfxpayload' after `linux /vmlinuz vga=0x318'

Felix Zielcke
Proud Debian Maintainer

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