Bug#542423: grub-pc: Known upstream bug?

Felix Zielcke fzielcke at z-51.de
Sun Sep 6 16:44:19 UTC 2009

Am Sonntag, den 06.09.2009, 18:38 +0200 schrieb Marc Haber:
> On Sun, Sep 06, 2009 at 06:26:37PM +0200, Felix Zielcke wrote:
> > The problem is that Marc isn't using gfxterm.
> How do I use gfxterm, and where is it documented that I have to.

The default Debian config is with gfxterm enabled.
It's only disabled when you uncomment the GRUB_TERMINAL=console
in /etc/default/grub

> > For gfxpayload and also for vga= with the new linux loader, you must
> > have at least `isnmod vbe' in your grub.cfg.
> That - as mentioned in the original report - doesn't work.

Oh overread it.

> > This shouldn't be different by using vga= or set gfxpayload.
> > In fact using vga= sets gfxpayload variable.
> > Just use `echo $gfxpayload' after `linux /vmlinuz vga=0x318'
> so one needs
> linux /vmlinuz vga=0x318 `echo $gfxpayload`
> in grub.cfg?

No. `` isn't at all supported.
I just wanted to say you can check with the echo line that vga= is
handled internaly like `set gfxpayload='

Check with `insmod vbe;set pager=1;vbeinfo' if the mode you want to use
shows up

Felix Zielcke
Proud Debian Maintainer

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