Bug#567637: Patch for unknown file system on raid1 system
Paul Menzel
pm.debian at googlemail.com
Mon Feb 1 22:55:28 UTC 2010
Dear Vladimir
Am Sonntag, den 31.01.2010, 21:04 +0100 schrieb Vladimir 'φ-coder/phcoder' Serbinenko:
> I stumbled accross this problem on my imac g3. Please test the attached fix
I safed your patch under `debian/patches/08_hostpart.diff` and build a
Debian package with the patch applied.
$ debcheckout grub-pc # I do not know if that is equivalent to the grub-pkg-source as used by Torsten.
$ cd grub-pc
$ bzr cat http://bzr.debian.org/bzr/pkg-grub/trunk/grub-legacy/debian/update-grub > debian/legacy/update-grub
$ svn export svn://svn.sv.nongnu.org/grub-extras/ debian/grub-extras # `…/trunk` as suggested in the error message did not.
$ dch "Fix for bug 567618/567637." # dch is in DebPkg:devscripts.
$ dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc
$ sudo dpkg -i ../grub-common*.deb ../grub-pc*.deb
It seems to work for me.
$ sudo grub-probe -d /dev/md0
Thanks for your work,
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