Bug#508834: strace of grub-probe

Jim Bray jimsantelmo at gmail.com
Fri Jan 1 03:16:32 UTC 2010

  I decided to do an strace of grub-probe (attached).

strace /usr/sbin/grub-probe --target=device / >strace-grub-probe 2>&1

  Conclusion: much of a piece with the unfortunate grub philosophy, 
whereby one gets UUIDs (or at least grub looks for them) whether one 
wants them or not, and without regard to /etc/default/grub
# Uncomment if you don't want GRUB to pass "root=UUID=xxx" parameter to 
 (no use for UUIDs at all, myself, and I comment the code that does it 
out), apparently grub-probe feels the need to look at every device on 
one's system every time it is invoked. Many times.

  Grub itself seems to work well enough. All the associated bits and 
pieces of scripting and whatnot will hopefully be replaced someday with 
something less intrusive and more efficient.
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