Bug#564180: New patches diffed against grub1.98. Previous post imcomplete, ignore.

Mario Vazquez mariovazq at gmail.com
Thu Mar 18 17:51:42 UTC 2010

My appoligies, I sent the mail incomplete the first time.

As I said in my previous post, due to some changes upstream which
included GRUB_THEME entries in 00_header.in, I decided to redo the

The issue resolved with the patches are the same.  That current
implementation of the debian grub package put the entries in a place
that when using hidden timeout mode, it will cause some erratic
behavior as explained before.

The new implementations mimicks the new GRUB_THEME entries, and place
the background code entries just above them in 00_header.in.  Also
adds an entry to grub-mkconfig.in, allowing the tool to recognize the
background variable and be able to use it.

Applying these patches, and defining the background entry in
/etc/default/grub there will be no need for a 05_debian_theme file,
and it will be able to be modified as othe grub entries in the default

There are 3 patches included.
background-image-in-mkconfig.patch -> adds background entries with its
dependency (loads required module)
hidden-timeout-fix.patch -> fix the double timeout issue using hidden
timeout entry
menucolors-in-mkconfig.patch -> adds menu color entries to
00_header.in and grub-mkconfig.in
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