Bug#575446: grub-mkrescue

ael law_ence.dev at ntlworld.com
Sun Mar 28 20:49:13 UTC 2010

I have now discovered mainly by trial & error that 
grub-mkrescue generates iso images.

A command like 
 grub-mkrescue --modules="part_msdos lvm" --output=grub-rescue.iso
 seems to work.

I spent some time trying to guess what the separator  in the --modules
list might be. "," and ";" both seemed possible candidates, but neither
worked. A quick scan of the source didn't make it clear. A space
separated list seemed unlikely for a parameter typically given on a
shell command line :-)

The name grub-mkrescue is a bit misleading if it *only* generates iso
images. I appreciate that that is an upstream decision.

So I suggest that if this package is to remain, it's only purpose
would be to document these commands briefly with examples. Indeed this
bug report probably contains enough for now.

In passing, for want of anywhere else to report, the gfxpayload
mechanism seems not to work. I had to consult source to find out
how it was meant to be used: the display in grub itself was too
brief to read.

Source (1.98) says: 
grub_printf ("%s is deprecated. "
                         "Use set gfxpayload=text before "
                         "linux command instead.\n",

grub_printf ("%s is deprecated. Mode %d isn't recognized. "
                             "Use set gfxpayload=WIDTHxHEIGHT[xDEPTH] before "
                             "linux command instead.\n",

and so on....


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