Bug#582342: Let's try to figure out bug #582342 finally

Alexander Kurtz kurtz.alex at googlemail.com
Sun Nov 7 17:00:34 UTC 2010


your Debian bug #582342[2]  has been on my todo list for quite some time
now - let's try to finally figure this out! I do have a similar setup,
with / on a luks-encrypted raid6 and /boot on raid1, the only difference
seems to be that I'm still using MBR while you've already switched to
GPT. Since my setup works fine I'm confident that we will be able to
solve your problem together!

First let's make sure I get the facts right:

 * You've filed bug #582177[1] against initramfs-tools and #582342[2]  
   against grub-pc
 * For both bugs you are apparently the only one who experiences them
 * the main symptom of these bugs is that your system doesn't boot

Everything correct so far? Then I have some questions:

 * Does your system still have problems booting?

 * If so, what problems *exactly* do you have? I've been
   reading both bug reports but have been unable to determine
   in what stage your system fails to boot. So
   * do you get to the GRUB screen
   * do the kernel and the initramfs get loaded by GRUB
   * do the kernel and the initramfs boot correctly
   I need the exact error messages to help you. A screenshot might also 
   be a good idea.

 * I'd like to merge #582177[1] and #582342[2] so that we can focus on 
   one bug report instead of spreading the information across multiple 
   bugs. Overall this seems to be just one problem and we can always 
   unmerge them later if necessary. Any objections?

 * You mentioned that your problems have disappeared and then 
   reappeared after some hardware rearrangements:
   * Do you remember what you did exactly?
   * Can you make the problem disappear/reappear again?
   * Are you sure that it's not some HW/BIOS issue?

 * What method/steps do you currently use to boot your system?

 * Does it help if you run
    dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc
   when your system is up and reinstall grub to every harddrive to want 
   to boot off?

 * Does it help if you run
    update-initramfs -u
   when your system is up to make sure you have a clean initramfs?

 * Is your squeeze system up-to-date? There have been quite some 
   bugfixes recently which might affect your system, for example mdadm 
   bug #583917[3] and friends.

So, that's all I can think of right now - I'm looking forward to reading
your detailed answers!

Best regards

Alexander Kurtz

[1] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=582177
[2] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=582342
[3] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=583917

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