Bug#544731: raid0 lvm2 grub2 Installation fails when grub tries to install in lvm /boot

Vladimir 'φ-coder/phcoder' Serbinenko phcoder at gmail.com
Fri Apr 1 01:05:11 UTC 2011

On 01.04.2011 02:40, Vladimir 'φ-coder/phcoder' Serbinenko wrote:
> On 01.04.2011 01:13, Liontos Aristotelis wrote:
>> I guess you mean dd if=/dev/mapper/ananias-root of=first64K bs=1024
>> count=64 (partition ? on an raid + lvm config ?)
>> I have to retest the config because grub-pc is updated to 1.99~rc1-8
>> and grub-probe -t abstraction -d /dev/mapper/ananias-root gives me a
>> different error
>> root at ananias:~# grub-probe -t abstraction -d /dev/mapper/ananias-root
>> error: unknown LVM metadata header.
>> raid mdraid1x lvm
> Based on the supplied dumps I found out that it happens because LVM sues
> a sector which normally after RAID algorithm should be mapped where in
> fact MDRAID superblock is present. I guess mdraid employs some kind of
> remapping of those sectors.
Sorry. That was a confusion on my side. Somehow your sdc1 and sdb1
contain leftovers of some ancient LVM which conused both GRUB and me.
Will think what can be done.
>> thnx
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Vladimir 'φ-coder/phcoder' Serbinenko

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