Bug#606494: grub2: localized start screen: german text is not displayed completely

Vladimir 'φ-coder/phcoder' Serbinenko phcoder at gmail.com
Sun Apr 10 11:57:34 UTC 2011

tag 606494 fixed-upstream

On 09.12.2010 20:16, Holger Wansing wrote:
> Package: grub2
> Yesterday, I noticed that grub2 has now the new functionality
> to display a localized start screen (the first screen, where
> you can select which OS to start. Under that list, there is a
> localized (here german) text about the keyboard functions).
> In german the text is truncated (maybe in other languages, too?)
> In the po file, the translation is complete.
> On the grub screen, I see:
> -------------------------------------
> Verwenden Sie die Tasten ▲ und ▼, um Einträge hervorzuheben und
> auszuwählen.
> Drücken Sie die Eingabetaste, um das ausgewählte Betriebssystem
> zu booten, »e« zum Bearbeiten der Befehle vor dem Booten oder
> -------------------------------------
> while the po file contains this:
> -------------------------------------
>  msgid "Use the %C and %C keys to select which entry is highlighted.\n"
>  msgstr ""
>  "Verwenden Sie die Tasten %C und %C, um Einträge hervorzuheben und "
>  "auszuwählen.\n"
>  msgid ""
>  "Press enter to boot the selected OS, 'e' to edit the commands before booting "
>  "or 'c' for a command-line. ESC to return previous menu.\n"
>  msgstr ""
>  "Drücken Sie die Eingabetaste, um das ausgewählte Betriebssystem zu booten, "
>  "»e« zum Bearbeiten der Befehle vor dem Booten oder »c« für eine "
>  "Befehlszeile. Mit ESC kehren Sie zum vorherigen Menü zurück.\n"
> -------------------------------------
> It seems the developer has oriented himself on the english
> version, and languages that need more characters for their translation
> are truncated.
> Please give the possibility to use some more place for the strings.
> Thanks
> As a short term solution, I could provide a patch to shorten the
> translation so that it fitts in the displayed lines.
> The original translator 
> Mario Blättermann <mariobl at gnome.org>
> has already received that patch, and he has already implemented it, 
> but since that is on the Translation Project TP, it will need 
> more time to be implemented in the debian package over the official 
> way.
> Could the debian package maintainer change the translation according
> a patch provided by me? (to receive an ACK from the original translator
> would be no problem.)
> Greetings
> Holger

Vladimir 'φ-coder/phcoder' Serbinenko

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