Bug#608263: /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme: new 05_debian_theme doesn't allow no background image

Alexander Kurtz kurtz.alex at googlemail.com
Tue Jan 4 16:53:25 UTC 2011


I know this is a bit off-topic, but while I've been trying to solve this
bug, I noticed that 00_header uses

	background_image -m stretch `make_system_path_relative_to_its_root "$GRUB_BACKGROUND"`

while 05_debian_theme currently uses

	background_image `make_system_path_relative_to_its_root "${1}"

I'd also like to use `-m stretch' because that removes the black frame
around the image (at least on my laptop) which definitely looks better.
I guess this should be ok, right?

Best regards

Alexander Kurtz
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