Bug#611537: grub-pc: In an mdadm RAID1 area GRUB2 fails to boot from second HDD (at, least in SATA environment) when graphical terminal activated

Daniel Huhardeaux devel at tootai.net
Wed Mar 30 15:01:54 UTC 2011

Le 30/03/2011 16:18, Vladimir 'φ-coder/phcoder' Serbinenko a écrit :
> On 30.03.2011 15:55, Daniel Huhardeaux wrote:
>> Le 30/03/2011 15:37, Vladimir 'φ-coder/phcoder' Serbinenko a écrit :
>>> Another possible reason for such a failure is a mdraid array desync.
>>> Yet, there was a similar report affecting some other users to warant
>>> further investigation. Could you try to do in GRUB shell:
>>> insmod gettext
>>> lang=fr
>>> and tell the result?
>> I will not be able to do anything as I don't get any grub cli ! Server
>> just hang after the bios stuff :-(
> I mean, set GRUB_TERMINAL=console (a config that afaiu works) and try
> executing these commands to see if it triggers the bug.

All servers are now in production, I will not be able to do any test. 
Will wait the next one to come.

Anyway, as you seems to think that the problem is not grub related and 
as I have found how to eliminate this behaviour, you can, from my side, 
close this bug


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