Bug#655772: linux-image-3.1.0-1-686-pae: Aptitude upgrade of package version 3.1.6-1 -> 3.1.8-2 sent "dm_mod..." message error

Ben Hutchings ben at decadent.org.uk
Sat Jan 14 03:53:39 UTC 2012

On Sat, 2012-01-14 at 02:06 +0100, Stéphane Aulery wrote:
> Package: linux-2.6
> Version: 3.1.8-2
> Severity: normal
> Dear Maintainer,
> When I have updated package linux-image-3.1.0-1-686-pae 3.1.6-1 to
> 3.1.8-2, aptitude sent some error messages like this :
> dm_mod: Unknown symbol scsi_verify_blk_ioctl (err 0)

It looks like this is due to GRUB running os-prober.

We do not bump the kernel ABI when adding symbols, because that is
backward-compatible with modules built for the earlier version.  But
loading new modules is liable to fail after an upgrade until the new
kernel is running (i.e. until the next reboot.)  So long as os-prober
relies on loading a bunch of modules, GRUB *must not* run os-prober in
its kernel postinst hook.


Ben Hutchings
When in doubt, use brute force. - Ken Thompson
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