Bug#768329: grub-common: Please enable splash for jessie

Laurent Bigonville bigon at debian.org
Mon Nov 10 18:39:26 UTC 2014

reassign 768329 plymouth 0.9.0-8
retitle 768329 plymouth: Please enable splash for jessie
tag 768329 + patch


I'm reassigning this bug to plymouth.

I already looked at this and I have a proposed fix (see attached patch).

With this patch, we have now 3 situations when the package is installed:

 - The package is installed and no extra boot parameter is passed to
   the kernel: plymouth will display the details which displays the
   usual boot messages.

 - The package is installed and "splash" is passed to the kernel: A
   fancy boot screen will be displayed to the user.

 - The package is installed and "nosplash" (or "plymouth.enable=0") is
   passed to the kernel: Everything is disabled like if the package was
   not installed.

What do you think about this solution?


Laurent Bigonville
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