Bug#545163: How to add a password to grub-pc

Yann Dirson ydirson at free.fr
Sat Jan 3 18:23:41 UTC 2015

Nowadays, /etc/grub.d/40_custom provides a nice place for the "set
superusers" and "password*" commands

But that's not sufficient, as it requires the allowed boot entries to
be marked --unrestricted, which no script appears to support yet.

I am adding myself --unrestricted to the CLASS definition in
/etc/grub.d/10_linux, but that's clearly a hack, as shown by the
system being turned unbootable each time I forget that *I* was the one
adding that option and let the package overwrite this script with the
new version.

With today's infrastructure, it would not be too hard to let the admin
add such a flag from /etc/default/grub, maybe with an ADDFLAGS
variable that would be usable by more than the 10_linux script (think

Or do I miss something ?

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